Louis Bryant Training Systems
The Basics of Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a waxy substance
found in the body. Having high "bad" cholesterol means you have too much LDL cholesterol in your blood. LDL cholesterol
can build up in your arteries and
prevent the blood from getting to your heart. HDL cholesterol is the "good" cholesterol. It carries LDL
cholesterol away from your artery walls.

Here is some basic information you should know about cholesterol:

  • Too much cholesterol in the blood, or high cholesterol, can be
    People with high cholesterol are at risk of getting heart disease. This can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Did you know,  80% of people who have had a heart
    attack have high cholesterol

  • Only about 25% of cholesterol comes from the foods you
    The other 75% is made by the body. Factors such as age and family history affect how much
    cholesterol your body makes. That’s why, for 2 out of 3 people with high
    cholesterol, diet and exercise alone aren’t enough and a cholesterol-lowering
    medicine, like LIPITOR, may be necessary

  • People with high cholesterol usually have no
    But it can be detected with a blood test. These tests can
    also help your doctor predict what your risk for heart disease may

What Should My Cholesterol Numbers Be?
Your doctor knows best when it comes to your cholesterol goals, and he or she
will be your partner in reaching them. National guidelines say a person’s total cholesterol number should be
under 200, while 220–239 is considered borderline high, and above 240 is
considered high.

National guidelines also provide direction on LDL cholesterol, part of total
cholesterol and the main focus of cholesterol-lowering therapy. Having high
levels of LDL cholesterol may put you at risk for heart disease. Generally, your
LDL cholesterol should be below 160, if you have no other risk factors for heart disease. Managing and lowering
your LDL cholesterol then helps to further reduce your risk.

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