Louis Bryant Training Systems

ADVOCARE/The 24 Day Challenge

I love the Advocare supplements that I have used, not just because I'm a distributor it's because they really work. As a trainer I want the best for my clients and I won't use just anything, the results with advocare have been great my clients love the 24 day challenge they have seen the results. Hey you don't have to believe me just listen to Drew Brees. And for more Information on the ADVOCARE products and the science behind them go to any of the links below.

                                                                      WE BUILD CHAMPIONS 

*www.advocare.com - We Build Champions

*www.the24daychallenge.com - Intro- hear testimonies of weight-lose clients.

*INFORMED-CHOICE PRODUCT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM & WHAT SETS US ...   Advocare tests for over 200 bannedsubstances, toxins and impuritiesthrough a ...Banned-substance free certification positions AdvoCare as a leader in the sports ... www.advofit.com/id89.html
Learn how to become a business builder with advocare.
Or become a Wholesale Customer and get 25% off all advocare products/Or Advisor and get 40% off.