Louis Bryant Training Systems
8 Workout Tips for High
School Athletes

Today’s post is provided by Rob Graf, AdvoCare Director
of Endorsements.

I get many calls from parents who have younger
athletes (ages 14-17) who want to maximize their lean muscle gain. The following
program has been a proven winner and features many Performance Elite products
that are OK for anyone 12 and older to take

  1. Eat a good     breakfast. Start the day with a strong foundation. Blend up a Meal
    Replacement Shake
    with your favorite fruits, and don’t forget the CorePlex
    and OmegaPlex
    with your meal.

  2. Have a     snack before lunch. Around 10:30, squeeze in a Meal
    Replacement Bar
    .     It’s packed with 17 grams of protein and it’s easy
    to keep on hand at     school.

  3. Fuel up     before resistance training. Pop three Catalyst
    right before     the workout. The amino acids will sustain your muscles and help
    rid fat.

  4. Exercise     the right way. When you’re working large muscle groups, I suggest     doing 3 to 5
    sets of 8 to 10 reps for each exercise. Follow a balanced     approach to your
    routine. In other words, if you do 30 reps of a “push”     exercise (like bench
    press), follow it up with 30 reps of a “pull”     exercise (like low cable

  5. Stay     hydrated. There’s nothing better to help you with this than Rehydrate
    Electrolyte     Replacement Drink

  6. Enhance     the recovery. The window of opportunity to significantly enhance     your muscles’
    recovery is about 60 minutes after you finish your last rep.     Be sure to
    drink a Post-Workout
    Recovery     Shake
    within an hour of working out.

  7. Build up. Keep     feeding your muscles the protein they need with a Muscle
    Gain shake
         90 minutes after your workout.

  8. Don’t     forget to rest. Your sleep cycle is prime time for recovery, so be     sure you’re
    getting plenty of sleep. Don’t cheat your body of the time it     needs to
    repair and grow muscle. Shoot for at least 7 hours, and 8     hours is

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